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Omar Jimenez ? police arrest CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez and crew on live television

What I want to make sure is not lost in this as we're seeing these remarkable pictures with this law enforcement presence directly behind you. Is the why people have been out on the streets protesting why this violence is taking place. There is some action behind you.

Yep, we've got one person being arrested here. We've got where we're going. Yeah. I got you I got your hat on. They had us here. They had us here. We're speaking with state patrol right now. Give us second guys. We can move back to where you'd like to get a move back to where you'd like. Here we are live on the air at the moment here.

This is the four of us.

We are one team just put his back where you want us.

We are getting out of your way. So. Just let us know. Wherever you'd want us. We will. We will go. We are just getting out of your way when you were advancing through the intersection. So just less known. And we got you. And this is the scene here playing out in Minneapolis. This is part of the advanced police presence that we saw come over the course of a really minutes when the local police showed up at the fire department or with the fire department I should say on that building. We showed you that it was burning. This is among the state patrol unit that was advancing up the street seeing and scattering the protesters at that point for people to clear the area. And so we walked away. I'm sorry. OK.

Do you know why I'm under arrest or why am I under arrest?

Ok. Right. Because we are with CNN. If you're just tuning in you

Are watching our correspondent Mark moment as being arrested by state police in Minnesota. We're not sure why. Our correspondent is being arrested. Hang on one second. Else and let's listen in to what these officers are saying.

That is an American television reporter Omar Homan is being led away by police officers. He clearly identified himself as a reporter. He was respectfully explaining to the state police that our CNN team was there and moving away as they would request and then for some reason he was just taken in to police custody. Live on television. I'm sorry I did not mean to interrupt you or else I just wanted to hear. Listen to see if we could hear more from the officers the state police that this is going on.

We're trying to see what's going to happen John obviously to the rest of it but it does.

We were just out here reporting the closure of the streets there just Omar was just arrested I believe they're about to. We're all about to be arrested. That's our producer

Our CNN producer is being we're going to be taking in a minute or a CNN camera crew and our producer are being arrested right now on live television in handcuffs.

I've never seen anything like this.

It does it. Allison one of your. Most were just passing along the message your message. I'm done. Well you know we're just like we're doing our job as well as you are.
Tell me what what are you angry about. I'm being arrested now.

I'm going to pick you up to begin with La la la la la.

If you're just tuning in this is our camera crew our CNN camera crew being arrested by the Minneapolis state police we believe the camera is now on the ground because our cameraman has been handcuffed.

Our correspondent Omar Hermanos has also led away in handcuffs as was his producer. They were standing where they were told to stand previously by police. They were out of the way. We don't know why they are being arrested. They are not being given any explanation as far as we can hear for why they are being arrested. We don't know why they're being handcuffed and led away. They are allowed to be reporting on the unrest that's happening right now. But for some reason the state police have decided that they need to be under arrest.
And just to be clear else having been in the middle of protests like this I've never seen anything like this. I have never seen anything like this. The camera is being walked away now. I don't know if this camera is still in the hands of our photojournalist or whether the police officer. Yeah. This is the police carrying our camera right now. Frankly not aware that it's still rolling. We have been listening in and our team there has not been given any explanation for why they have been taken into custody. And I just want to be clear if you were watching what Omar was saying and listening to his recording he was explaining what had happened over the last few hours and how law enforcement was arriving on the scene and how they had disperse the crowds largely and how for the first time there was order in the scene.
Nevertheless taken into custody our camera now on the ground still rolling still capturing these live images.
